Sunday 26 May 2013

Note Sihoo Sent for The Official Sihoorang Meeting 2013.05.24

This is an English translation of siuyan's posting from 수다마을 (Chat Village room) about a note Sihoo sent for the official Sihoorang meeting, being held right now in Seoul:

운영진님이 시후님 쪽지 읽어주셨어요 일본 중국에서 러브콜 많으시다고 ~~활동 하시게 되면 저희 카페에 젤 먼저 알려주신대요 글고 힘이되어주신 랑님들께 정말 감사드린다는 말 씀도하셨어요 지금 일본 랑님이 내살범 개봉에 대해 말 씀중
Sihoorang management team member read a note from Sihoo. The note said that Sihoo is getting a rush of love calls~~ from Japan and China. He'd let us know as soon as he starts on a new project. He wants to thank all the fans for supporting and standing by him. Now a Japanese fan is talking about the upcoming 'I am the murderer' movie premier in Japan.

siuyan | 조회 644 |추천 7 |2013.05.25. 14:04


สิ่งที่บรรดาชาวsihoorangได้รับกลับไปจากงานวันนี้น่าจะเป็นของขวัญที่ชื่นใจค่ะ ลายเซนของพัคซีฮูลงวันที่ 24 พ.ค.2013

PICTURE SIGN IN 2013.05.24

" Black rice cake " 

This is an English translation of SuYoung's posting from 수다마을 (Chat Village room):

We just heard that Sihoo sent some black sesame seed rice cake (picture below is for one person) to the official Sihoorang meeting, which is being held right now in Seoul until 3PM, for all the attendees to share.

완전 맛잇습니다♥..
못오신분들 힐링하세요~
위에 과일은 데코♡

It's sooooo delicious ..
Sending some information in real time from the meeting for those who couldn't be at the meeting.
Fruits on top are for decoration♡

Park Si Hoo, we are here everyday waiting for you, however long it takes.You have millions of fans loving you, fighting with you, praying for you, and waiting for your come back.

1 comment:

  1. อืมมมมมม....ดีมากเลย
    เริ่มดีขึ้น ..ดีขึ้น...
